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篇名 使用雲端運算技術建構裝修設計產業資源整合平臺
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 Using Cloud Computing Technology to Build Decoration Industry Resource Integration Platform
作者 林峰正
頁次 081-095
關鍵字 雲端檔案庫系統資通訊技術應用程式接口輕量級數據交換格式cloud object storage applianceInformation and Communication TechnologiesApplication Programming InterfaceJavaScript Object Notation
出刊日期 201111


本研究提出一個裝修設計產業資源整合平臺,此平臺包含了平臺維運、空間設計軟體、裝潢物件分享架構等三大部分,其中空間設計軟體的物件儲存庫,如設計案、材質庫、裝潢物件,是結合資策會提出的雲端物件檔案庫儲存架構,對於檔案儲存、檔案取出、檔案搜尋,可透過系統提供的應用程式接口(Application Programming Interface, API)操作之,並利用輕量級數據交換格式(JavaScript Object Natation, JSON)作為資料的交換格式,文中也探討裝潢設計產業之資通訊技術(Information and Communication Technologies, ICT)應用概況與被帶動商業服務業者之關係,以及平臺營運模式介紹。


This paper presents a decoration industry resource integration platform that includes platform operation mechanism, space design software, and decoration objects sharing architecture. The main cloud technology used to store design objects, such as design cases, materials library, and decorating objects, was based on cloud object storage appliance (cosa) of Institute for Information Industry. Users can store their files, access stored files, search files in storage pools through cosa REST-Like API, and use JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) as the data exchange format. This paper also discusses Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) applications of decoration industry, relationship of business partners, and business model of proposed platform.
