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篇名 應用擴增實境技術於虛擬校園導覽系統之建置:以國立臺東大學知本人文學院為例
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 Applying Augmented Reality Technology into Construction of Virtual Campus Guidance System: Taking the College of Humanities of National Taitung University as an Example
作者 趙雅玲王振民施能木謝昆霖
頁次 159-177
關鍵字 校園導覽虛擬實境擴增實境campus guidancevirtual realityaugment reality
出刊日期 201111


擴增實境是一種更貼近我們生活的科技技術,讓我們能夠以更真實的方式來接觸各種虛擬感官訊息。觀看現行普遍的虛擬校園導覽系統,大部分是透過用平面圖或文字來向使用者指示相關校園位置資訊。本研究之目的是希望把擴增實境技術應用至虛擬校園導覽系統,除了同樣可以提供3D 校園導覽之外,更期許可以提供另一種更直覺的方式來讓使用者操作虛擬內容,提供另一種即時的互動方式來導覽校園建築或環境,並增加導覽過程的趣味性,讓使用者透過擴增實境技術能夠以簡單且更真實具象的導覽過程來對校園環境得到更多的瞭解。本研究最後以國立臺東大學人文學院為例來驗證擴增實境在校園導覽應用的可行性。


Augmented Reality is a kind of technology which provides a kind of displaying and operating way that is much more familiar to that of our daily life. It allows us to interact with every virtual message through a more real way. Reviewing the recent ordinary virtual campus guidance systems, most of them just make use of the floor plane or words to provide indication of campus related location information for users. The purpose of this research is to evaluate Augmented Reality application on virtual campus guidance system. Besides providing a 3D-campus guidance, this research expects the application will provide a more instinctive way in operating the virtual contents, in order to give another kind of instance interactive way while visiting the building or environment of the campus virtually. Moreover, this more simple and figurative guidance process may add fun. And all these make users being able to get more understandings about the campus environment. Finally, we take the College of humanities at Taitung University as an illustrative example to demonstrate the feasibility and the rationality.
