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篇名 整合線上教育遊戲於學理型知識之學習
卷期 1:1
並列篇名 Integrating Educational Game On-line into Learning in Theoretical-type Knowledge
作者 蕭桂芳
頁次 033-042
關鍵字 數位學習電腦遊戲教育遊戲資訊教育自發性學習e-learningcomputer gameeducational gameinformation educationautonomous learning
出刊日期 200603


數位學習發展至今,著實提供教育更多的輔助及支援。然而在使用數位教材做線上學習時,學習者必須要有強烈的學習動機才能持之以恆,否則容易因為缺乏興趣或分心而導致學習成效不彰。為了有效提升學生的學習動機以達到所設定的學習目標,本論文藉由開發一套線上教育遊戲(Educational Game On-line, EGO),使學習者在玩樂的同時也能學習到課堂上所要求的基本知識及技能。EGO 系統的設計是根據行為主義操作制約理論之正強化原則以及認知學派之訊息處理理論的反覆式練習模式為其基礎,讓學習者將所習得的知識轉化為長期記憶之中。此外,EGO 系統的開發結合線上電腦遊戲吸引人的特質,如具有挑戰、聲光效果、新奇、競爭以及獎賞等重要因素,更能刺激學習者的學習動機並促進學習目標的達成。為配合 EGO 系統於學理型知識上的實作應用,本實驗採用大學一年級必修科目「計算機概論」的線上數位教材,其中正課教材主要是在學理型知識的內容呈現,而EGO 在課程中主要扮演的角色在於強化學生對教材的長期性記憶。本論文透過形成性評估的量化資料證實學生使用EGO 系統的次數與其「計算機概論」的考試成績有正相關。而更進一步的質化訪談及個案研究中也發現EGO 系統確實有效提升學習者的成績。更者,從學習者使用EGO 系統次數的實驗數據顯示EGO 系統確實有效的強化過半數學習者的學習動機並促成自發性的學習。


The applications of e-learning have been discussed and developed for some time. E-learning not only provides supports to a variety of educational activities, but also offers assistances to teaching and learning. However, learners are expected to have strong motivation to sustain continuous learning through on-line e-learning material. To achieve the learning objective by promoting students’ learning motivation, Educational Game On-line (EGO) has been developed by combining game playing and learning theories. The design of the EGO system is based upon the principle of reinforcement in operant conditioning in the Behavioral Theory and the approach of ‘drill & practice’ in the Information Processing Theory of Learning. The drill-and-practice learning reinforces learner’s memory and converts information to long-term-memory (LTM). Besides, the EGO system includes some essential game playing attractiveness, such as challenge, audio-visual fantasy, novelty, competition, and award, to stimulate students’ intrinsic motivations and to achieve learning objectives. In order to carry out the experiment of the EGO system into learning in theoretical-type knowledge, the online material of ‘Computer Literacy’ was adopted in this research. In this online material, the main teaching contents mainly belong to theoretical-type knowledge and the EGO system aims to reinforce learners’ long-term-memories. Pearson’s Correlation analysis of the quantitative data collected from the formative evaluation significantly shows positive correlation between the times for using the EGO system and learners’ marks in the subject of Computer Literacy. In order to investigate this issue deeper, the qualitative interviews and case studies were applied as well to prove that the EGO system effectively improved learners’ marks. Meanwhile, the EGO log information and experimental data reveal that the EGO system successfully encouraged more than half learners’ motivation from the two experimental groups and also
facilitated autonomous learning.
