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篇名 專題導向學習對高職程式設計課程影響之研究
卷期 1:1
並列篇名 The Effectiveness of Project-based Learning in Programming Language Course
作者 鍾大定陳菁惠
頁次 021-027
關鍵字 專題導向學習程式語言問題解決能力project-based learningprogramming abilityproblem-solving ability
出刊日期 200603




This study discussed the effectiveness of project-based learning on learning motivation, achievement, and problem-solving ability. The experiment conducted in a programming language course in a private vocational high school in Taipei area for 5 months. Two classes of students from the information department were used as the subjects. One class served as the experiment group and the other as the control group. The experiment class applied the project-based learning model into the curriculum; the control class used the traditional learning format whereas the teacher presented the learning materials and students followed the instruction and worked alone. The dependent variables were learning motivation, achievement, and the problem solving ability; and the independent variables were different learning styles (project-based learning and traditional learning) and different learning abilities (high ability and low ability). The results of the experiment revealed that there were significant differences in the learning outcomes and problem solving ability, but showed no difference in the learning motivation.
