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篇名 應用決策樹於波長分割多工環狀接取網路之動態波長分配機制
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 Dynamic Wavelength Assignment Mechanism Using Decision Tree Algorithm on WDM Ring Access Networks
作者 黃依賢蘇瑞榮林逸修
頁次 001-009
關鍵字 波長分割多工波長分配演算法網路效能決策樹環狀接取網路WDMRWADecision TreeRing Access NetworkSystem performance.
出刊日期 200610


研究被證明是NP-Complete,無法得到最佳解。本論文提出以決策樹演算法ID3 為主的動態波長分配機制應用於波長分割多工技術架構下的環狀接取網路,利用其具有快速分類和預測的學習法來產生波長分配的規則,決策出最適當的波長,使得傳輸過程中光交換器切換與波長轉換發生次數最小,期望減少調整延遲、增加連線機會,因而提升整體傳輸效能。本文利用乙太網路環境配合軟體程式來模擬環狀接取網路,不同的連接埠來模擬不同的波長頻道。實驗結果證明,只要波長在足夠可供使用下,運用決策樹演算法產生波長分配規則於不同的網路流量,以及不同存取節點數與波長數的比例(1:1、2:1 與4:1)下,能有效地減少光交換器切換與波長轉換的次數,因而降低調整延遲的時間、提升整體傳輸的效能。


Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) is a technique can divide spectra into many different channels, and deliver the data in the different wavelengths with different transmission speed. To use the wavelength more effectively, we must apply a good routing and wavelength assignment (RWA) algorithm to avoid the problem of wavelength conflict, blocking, and to reduce the number of conversions and tuning latency. Previous studies showed that the RWA problem is NP-Complete. This paper proposes a heuristic RWA algorithm based on Decision Tree - ID3 algorithm. The simulation environment is emulated by Ethernet and software. The simulation proves that using decision tree algorithm to produce the wavelength assignment rule is able to reduce optical switch switching and wavelength conversion occurrence for different ratios of nodes and wavelengths (1:1, 2:1 and 4:1). Therefore, it minimizes the time of the tuning latency and can promote the system transmission performance.
