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篇名 高頻電磁量測及分析---以台南市公園為例
卷期 1:2
並列篇名 High-Frequency Electromagnetic Measurement and Analysis-Using Parks in Tainan City as Examples
作者 李坤洲林榮龍
頁次 031-038
關鍵字 電磁波電磁輻射高頻Electromagnetic wavesElectromagnetic radiationHigh-frequency
出刊日期 200610




Due to the rapid development of technologies, the high-frequency consumer electronic products, such as electromagnetic ovens, microwave ovens, cell phones, computer and wireless access points, play very important roles in people’s everyday life. The cell phones seem to become the most popular consumer electronic products currently. People then concern about the radiation hazards from electromagnetic waves. There are many protests about the possible radiation hazards from electromagnetic waves in Taiwan. In this paper, the electromagnetic field strengths from base stations of cell phones are measured and analyzed based on the IEEE measurement standards. Our goal is to make people realize whether they live under radiation hazards from high-frequency electromagnetic waves or not.
