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篇名 光準直器插入損失及對光錯位容忍度分析
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 Analysis of Insertion Loss and Alignment Offset Tolerance for Collimators
作者 林鈺城翁健洋林晉德廖士福
頁次 001-006
關鍵字 光準直器插入損失對光錯位誤差容忍度Collimatorinsertion lossalignment offset tolerance
出刊日期 200803


我們利用OSLO來設計D透鏡和漸變式 (Grin) 透鏡光準直器,根據設計的參數,我們委外製造兩種光準直器,並完成光準直器插入損失的量測。我們對於兩種類型的光準直器進行三種錯位誤差容忍度模擬計算和實驗量測,包括軸向、橫向和角度的錯位。就我們所知,這是首次將D透鏡與漸變式透鏡光準直器的光學特性做比較,量測的結果顯示:D透鏡光準直器有較好的平行度,漸變式透鏡光準直器有較大的光束大小。


D lens and Grin lens are used to design collimators with OSLO. In terms of the parameters, two kinds collimators were fabricated by other manufacture and their insertion loss measurement are performed. Three types alignment offset tolerances, Z axial, lateral, and angular offset, for two types lens collimators, are calculated and measured. To our knowledge, this is the first time of comparing optical characteristics with D lens and GRIN lens collimators. It shows that D lens collimator has better collimated beam and Grin lens collimator has larger beam size.
