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篇名 改良離散小波轉換影像竄改驗證與回復技術之研究
卷期 3:2
並列篇名 Improve the Image Tamper Proofing and Recovery Technique Based on DWT
作者 陳文儉賴志明
頁次 037-045
關鍵字 離散小波轉換影像竄改影像回復興趣區域discrete wavelet transformimage tamperimage recoveryregion of interest.
出刊日期 200903




In recent years, as a result of the information technology and the internet popularity caused the applications of digital image to be widespread. The digital image may be obtained and tampered easily. For the accuracy of primary image, there are some scholars proposed the method of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT) to take the features of ROI into the region of transformation-frequency ROB. Take out the features from the frequency region of ROB bit before the image applications, and compare with the ROI data to make sure the accuracy of the image. There are some disadvantages of this scheme. The part of tampering only limited on ROI region, the size of ROI region is small, and the quality of reconstructed image is not well. We propose two different methods to improve the image recovery in this paper. The first scheme takes the low frequency region of ROI bit stochastically insert three backups into ROB of middle frequency in the DWT domain. The part of ROI recovery is determined by the voting from the computer formula when the image region tampered. The second scheme compresses the region of ROI by the JPEG, and inserts the compressed data in ROB of middle frequency stochastically after the DWT. When the image region of ROI tampered, directly recover by backup data of ROB. Simulation results show some improvement of the limit of ROI size or the recovered quality by the proposed methods.
