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篇名 Blind Carrier Frequency Offset Estimation Using an Improved Minimum Output Variance Approach for Synchronous MC-CDMA Systems
卷期 3:2
作者 Ann-Chen ChangShiaw-Wu Chen
頁次 031-035
關鍵字 MC-CDMACarrier Frequency OffsetMinimum Output VarianceInformation Carrier Subspace
出刊日期 200903



This letter deals with blind carrier frequency offset estimation based on minimum output variance (MOV) approaches without devoting training sequence and pilot symbol for synchronous multicarrier-code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) systems. It has been shown that the performance of MOV estimator is degraded because the effect of noise and wideband spread-spectrum signals. In conjunction with spreading code-aided and information carrier subspace projection techniques, we present an improved code-aided MOV (ICMOV) estimator to achieve the high resolution estimate for the noisy case. Computer simulations are provided for illustrating the effectiveness of the proposed ICMOV estimator.
