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篇名 利用手勢控制之攝影機/投影機組合裝置的研製
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 Design and Implementation of the Gesture-based Camera / Projector Device
作者 賈叢林沈駿寗
頁次 001-009
關鍵字 擴增實境微型投影機皮膚分割演算法監督式貝式學習法Augmented realitymicro projectorskin color segmentationsupervised Bayesian learning method
出刊日期 201206




In this paper, the mobile device is proposed as an AR application platform provided display and vision functions for the elder to use. The device putted in front of the chest consists of a micro projector, a camera, and a computer. It can project the information onto the real surface so that the user is admitted to use it in anytime and
anywhere. First, according on the complete analysis of the whole geometric model, we can obtain the best device setting for different application requirements. The projector’s switch is designed to turn on it only by the palm that is convenient to the elder. The device captures the palm image from the camera, and method for segmenting the palm region in the image is based on the supervised Bayesian learning method. The device is also developed as a lighting tool using the projector that automatic opens based on the environment lighting to avoid the elder entered the dark region. The implementation of the AR application platforms is demanded with the features in light, simple structure, and easy use for the elder who don’t need to control a real computer.
