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篇名 一個新的銀髮族閱讀輔助系統之設計
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 A Novel Reading Assistant System for Senior Citizens
作者 黃世育楊健貴劉家君張欽圳
頁次 021-028
關鍵字 影像放大影像投影Image EnhancementImage Projection
出刊日期 201206




While reading newspaper or magazine, most senior citizens experience difficulty in focusing on the small size letters or articles. The main objective of this paper proposed a friendly Human Computer Interface to help senior citizens overcoming the problem caused by the deterioration of eyesight. An Image Super-resolution technology is adopted to enlarge each single letter on the newspaper or magazine which images are captured by a small camera. Then, an innovated algorithm in typesetting will rearrange the layout results of the enlargement of letter size; a handheld projector will project an image of same information with complete new typesetting. The Gesture Recognition Technology is implemented to allow user to easily move the document in different direction.
