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篇名 電荷產生速率對p-i-n 結構薄膜非晶矽太陽能電池特性的影響
卷期 5:2
並列篇名 The effects of the photo-generation carrier distribution on the properties of amorphous Si PIN solar cell
作者 陳昶憲趙家宏賴志明
頁次 043-050
關鍵字 非晶矽太陽能電池光學導納法光生載子分佈Amorphous siliconSolar cellOptical admittance methodphoto-generation carrier distribution
出刊日期 201207


本論文分析p-i-n 結構薄膜非晶矽太陽能電池的性能,以光學導納法計算太陽能電池i 層中的光電子數量及光限電流,並結合電荷傳導理論計算其性能。我們以三種不同的電荷產生速率與光學分析所產生的速率分佈比對 ,得知G0+Ae-αx 較符合於光學分析所得的電荷分佈。並觀察電荷傳導方程式在三種不同分佈的電荷產生率下所造成的效應。結果顯示,當電荷產生速率分佈為定值時,i 層厚度為400nm 電池轉換效率最大值7.07%,之後隨著i 層厚度的增加而迅速的下降;而當速率分佈為G0+Ae-αx 則在i 層厚度為600nm 時轉換效率最大為7.07%。從中可以得知電荷產生速率分佈的改變確實對太陽能電池的特性有顯著的影響,因此設計p-i-n 結構的薄膜電池必須了解電荷產生速率的形式,並依據此形式進行設計得到最佳的光電轉換效率。


In this paper, theoretical efficiencies for amorphous Si PIN solar cell are presented by solving the carrier transport equations including optical properties of the cell. Using the optical admittance method including the interference effect, the distribution of the photo-generation carriers in the solar cell under air mass 1.5 global irradiance spectra were obtained numerically. And the carrier distribution in i-layer of solar cell could be treated approximately as a function of exponential decay with a constant bias. In order to study the effects of the carrier generation distribution, three different kinds of
distributions were used in the calculation. According to the simulation, the maximum efficiency for constant carrier generation is 7.07% and the optimum i-layer thickness is 400 nm. However, for the G0+Ae-αx carrier generation distribution,the efficiency and optimum thickness are 7.07% and 600 nm, respectively. These results show that the distribution
of the photo-generation carrier play an important role on the properties of the PIN solar cell and is a key factor for designing the optimum performance structure.
