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篇名 科技創新能力對企業績效影響之實證研究:以資源基礎觀點
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 The Influence of Technology Innovation Capability on Firm Performance: A Viewpoint of Resource Base View
作者 廖國良游上毅
頁次 027-041
關鍵字 企業績效科技創新能力資源基礎觀點firm performancetechnology innovation capabilitiesresource base view
出刊日期 201205




This study develops a conceptual model in resource base view (RBV) linking information technology (IT)–enabled technology innovation capability with three important organizational capabilities: entrepreneurial alertness (EA), intellectual capital (IC), and business technology integration (BTI) to discuss the relationship between technology innovation and firm performance. We find out how these capabilities mediate the relationship between technology innovation capability and firm performance. This study was collected by a recent data of the top 1000 Chinese firms in Taiwan; and hence provides measures of the key constructs to validate the hypothesis and our conceptual model by structural equation model (SEM). The influences of three organizational capabilities among the firm are to elevate technology innovation capability and the relationship of the business capabilities. Among key managerial implications, high leadership must be focused on the foundation of the IT, integrating business resource and knowledge skills, developing technology innovation with exclusive and unique technology, may the firms could have competitive advantage to sustainable development.
