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篇名 運用互動式電子白板模擬兵棋推演防災成效之研究:民雄鄉為例
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 運用互動式電子白板模擬兵棋推演防災成效之研究:民雄鄉為例 The Disaster Prevention Performance of Applying the Interactive Electronic Whiteboard in a War-Game Simulation: The Case Study of Minxiong Township
作者 趙家民吳光閔蔡建讀
頁次 089-104
關鍵字 互動式電子白板地理資訊系統兵棋消防戰術interactive electronic whiteboardwar gamesgeographic information systemfire fighting tactics
出刊日期 201205


兵棋推演是由救災人員預設消防戰術,以瞭解救災的可行性、救災成敗與否、讓人員及裝備降低損害程度的重要手段。傳統上,使用地圖或沙盤兵棋推演方式進行,而本研究則運用互動式電子白板模擬兵棋推演,這是藉由具有模擬災害現場、兵推計算快速、數據精準統計災害現場救災人員、車輛、後勤補給等的電腦系統進行演練。 運用互動式電子白板模擬兵棋推演,並使用GIS建置模擬圖資,使模擬兵棋推演逼真且具空間感。模擬過程中,另一方面套疊建物以研判其地震影響範圍,亦可進行避難疏散與物資運送路線之規劃。此外,結合Google搜尋系統之使用,使災情標定更為清晰,強化災害防救中,運用互動式電子白板模擬兵棋推演之效益。 本研究所運用互動式電子白板模擬兵棋推演體系之建置,其目的即在平時透過集思廣益與模擬式之演習訓練,與災害管理人員之推演互動,模擬兵棋推演災害必須面對之狀況、資源與資訊之需求。防災應變與復原策略則透過互動式電子白板模擬兵棋推演與實兵演練之相互驗證,作為災害管理與災害應變之重要參考依據。 此外,透過訪談4位重要決策者的資料整理,發現該系統在訓練後,能掌握災害資訊,立即做出決策判斷,隨時更換推演模式建置各種防災圖資及救災方式,並依推演建置訓練時所規劃的路線預先救災及撤離民眾,減少傷亡,使災害的人命及財產損失降至最低,以達最有效的應用。


The war game is a significantly important means used by rescue workers to institute tactics in order to understand not only whether the rescue action can be feasible and successful, but also how the damage to personnel and equipment can be reduced. Traditionally, war games are conducted by using maps or sand tables; yet in this study, war games are conducted by applying an interactive electronic whiteboard. The tactical exercises in this study are performed by a computer system which can process the disaster site simulation, quick war games, accurate statistics, and other assessment including the number of soldiers, disaster relief personnel, vehicles, and logistics. By applying the interactive electronic whiteboard, the war-game simulation can use GIS to establish the simulated data obtained from GIS at the same time, making the simulation extremely realistic and spatial. During the simulation process, not only the earthquake range can be judged from the registration of buildings, but also the routes of evacuation and material delivery can be planned. In addition, in combination with the Google search system, the disaster calibration can be more accurate, and the disaster prevention performance of applying the interactive electronic whiteboard to simulate war games can be improved as well. The purposes of the establishment of the system by applying the interactive electronic whiteboard to simulate war games are to adopt the collective opinions and the analog training exercises at peace time to deduct the interaction with the disaster management personnel, simulate the various situations in actual disasters, determine the needs of resources and information, and develop the strategies of disaster response and recovery. Furthermore, this study examines the feasibility of the relief methods by verifying the war-game simulations with the application of the interactive electronic whiteboard and the field exercises, hoping to serve as an important reference for disaster management and disaster response. In this study, through the data compilation of the interviews with four key decision makers, it is found that the system can master the disaster information, immediately determine the decision-making judgment, replace the war-game modes at any time, and establish a variety of disaster prevention information and relief methods. According to the war-game simulation, the planned routes which are planned in the training can be used to conduct the rescue action and evacuate the public. As a result, the casualties and property losses can be reduced to a minimum, and the best performance of the application of the interactive electronic whiteboard in a war-game simulation can be also achieved.
