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篇名 建置動態無硬碟系統之管理架構:以電腦教室管理為例
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 Building the Management Framework of Dynamic Diskless Systems: A Case Study of PC Classroom Management
作者 林俊男林俊男阮金聲
頁次 105-116
關鍵字 無硬碟系統動態資源管理電腦教室管理diskless systemdynamic resource managementPC classroom management
出刊日期 201205




This study explored the feasibility of applying the diskless system to PC classroom management in order to alleviate the above-mentioned burden of the restore technologies. The diskless system, integrated with a dynamic resource management concept, not only improves system security and management effectiveness but also reduces total administrative costs. Improved system security includes automated computer system restore, viruses or malicious software removal, centralized computer systems and user access control management. System management enhanced includes simplified software installation, testing, deployment, and management with a single image file, higher PC classroom availability, quickly software transfer between classrooms at class schedule conflict, and available of the classrooms during software maintenance. Cost reduction includes reduced maintenance time and cost, fewer software packaging and delivery tasks, shorter computer system settings, and fewer servers. A prototype of the proposed new PC classroom management system was built and a comparison among the above-mentioned methods was discussed. A field experiment was also conducted to prove the superiority of our system.
