
圖書資訊學刊 CSSCIScopusTSSCI

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篇名 The Influences of Online Cultural Capital on Social Tagging Behavior
卷期 10:2
作者 Chi-Shiou LinYi-Fan Chen
頁次 021-037
關鍵字 Social TaggingSocial Bookmarking ServiceCultural CapitalDeliciousTSSCI
出刊日期 201212



This study examines the influences of online cultural capital on social tagging behavior in Delicious.
com. The researchers identified three online cultural capital-related variables (understanding of
social tagging, understanding of Delicious’ social functionalities, and quantity of tags and bookmarks)
via factor analysis of a survey dataset and analyzed their influences on tagging motivations (information
organization-oriented vs. social-oriented) and tagging strategies (object-based tagging vs. situationbased
tagging). An existing dataset from a previous survey of Delicious users was used for the analysis.
Multiple regression analysis was used to examine the influences of the three variables on tagging
motivations and strategies. The study found that understanding of social tagging has a significant
positive influence on information organization-oriented tagging; understanding of Delicious’ social
functionalities has a significant positive influence on social-oriented tagging. In tagging strategies,
understanding of Delicious’ functionalities significantly influenced how strategic respondents are in
situation-based tagging. Quantity of tags and bookmarks influenced both types of tagging strategies.
