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篇名 休閒涉入、體驗與產品依戀影響關係之研究:以南投紫南宮為例
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 The Relationship between Leisure Involvement, Experience, and Product Attachment: Using the Zi Nan Temple in Nantou as an Example
作者 沈進成謝文山
頁次 011-027
關鍵字 休閒涉入產品依戀紫南宮發財金體驗leisure involvementproduct attachmentZi Nan templeexperience
出刊日期 201211
DOI 10.3966/222369612012110202002


南投縣竹山鎮紫南宮為臺灣中部宗教旅遊勝地之一,因提供信眾借取發財金,祈求事業順利,相當靈驗,香火鼎盛,因而得名。本研究將發財金視為紫南宮的一項產品,將以其遊客為研究對象,探討休閒涉入、體驗與產品依戀之間的影響關係。研究結果將包含:一、利用文獻回顧對休閒涉入、體驗與產品依戀進行探討及建構衡量指標,並經由因素分析將休閒涉入獲取五個衡量指標分別為:「愉悅性」、「中心性」、「象徵性」、「重要性」與「社群性」;體驗獲取五個因素構面分別為:「情感」、「思考」、「關聯」、「感官」與「行動」;產品依戀獲取五個因素構面分別為:「不可或缺的」、「依賴」、「認同」、「自我展現」與「不 可替代的」。二、休閒涉入之構面平均數以「愉悅性」為最高;體驗之構面平均數以「情感」為最高;產品依戀之構面平均數以「依賴」為最高。三、依據線性結構方程式之結果,休閒涉入對體驗、產品依戀有顯著且正向之影響,而休閒涉入及體驗對產品依戀也有顯著且正向之影響。研究結果可發現,因遊客的休閒涉入及體驗之程度高低會影響產品依戀的程度高低,可供而後對產品依戀之研究參考。


The Zi Nan temple in Zhushan Township, Nantou County, is among the top religious tourism destinations in central Taiwan. The name of the temple is attributed to its popularity among believers because of the practice of providing money as a "get rich gold" loan to the faithful. They believed this was an effective answer to their prayers for prosperity. In this study, we considered "get rich gold" a product of the Zi Nan temple. We employed the temple visitors as the research targets to explore the relationship between leisure involvement, experience, and product attachment. The results of this study include the following: 1. Leisure involvement, experience, and product attachment were examined and evaluative indices were constructed based on the results of a literature review. We established five evaluative indices for leisure involvement, namely "pleasure," "centrality," "representativeness," "importance," and "community," using factors analysis. The five constructs of experience were "emotion," "thinking," "correlation," "sensuality," and "action." The five constructs of product attachment were "necessity," "dependence," "identity," "self-expression," and "irreplaceability." 2. "Pleasure" had the highest mean value among the constructs of leisure involvement; "emotion" had the highest mean value among the constructs of experience; and "dependence" had the highest mean value among the constructs of product attachment. 3. According to the results of linear structural equations, leisure involvement has a significant and positive affect on experience and product attachment. Both leisure involvement and experience also have significant and positive effects on product attachment. The results of this study show that the level of leisure involvement and experience of visitors affects their product attachment. These findings can serve as a useful reference for future studies on product attachment.
