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篇名 大學生對於平板電子教科書應用之轉換行為
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 Switching Behavior of University Students Toward
作者 柯俊宇賴榮裕
頁次 055-078
關鍵字 平板電腦學習平板電腦教科書應用推-拉-躊躇模型tablet learningtablet e-textbook applicationpush-pull-mooring
出刊日期 201211
DOI 10.3966/222369612012110202005


隨者更小、直覺介面與流暢的設計,平板電腦整合各式各樣的教學應用,使其具備一定的潛力超越,甚至取代傳統的學習工具。隨著這股趨勢,愈來愈多的學校與教育單位開始注意到了透過平板電腦來進行學習,並做為新一代的教學工具,可惜的是,直至現今只有少數研究探討影響學生轉換到平板電腦學習的因素。因此,本研究試圖探討何種因素會影響學生對於使用平板電腦教科書應用的轉換意圖,並透過推-拉-躊躇模型(Push-Pull-Mooring, PPM)與結構化方程式來描繪及解釋推、拉與躊躇力三者對學生轉換行為之相互關係與影響。本研究結果發現,推力、拉力與躊躇力對於學生的轉換意圖皆有顯著的影響,而平板電腦所帶來優勢(亦即拉力),包括媒體豐富性、同儕之間的影響及學習上的輔助,亦有助於提升學生之轉換意圖。相對於拉力,推力與躊躇力對學生之轉換意圖影響較小,然而習慣性與轉換成本(亦即躊躇力)對於轉換意圖有負面的影響,將導致學在轉換的過程中猶豫不決;最後,躊躇力對推、拉力於轉換意圖之影響則無顯著的調和效果。


With their small size, intuitive interfaces, and streamlined design, tablet-based PCs integrate various learning applications and have the potential to surpass traditional learning tools. As a result, an increasing number of schools have begun to use tablet devices as educational tools. However, at present there is only a limited understanding of the factors driving student switching intentions toward tablet learning. Thus, this research explores the factors influencing students switching intentions toward tablet e-textbook applications. The Push-Pull-Mooring (PPM) model is adopted to delineate student switching intentions towards tablet e-textbook applications by examining structural relationships among push, pull, and mooring factors on switching intentions. Furthermore, mooring factors are applied into our research model to analyze whether these two variables moderate the relationship of push/pull factors on switching intentions. Our results revealed that push, pull, and mooring effects all significantly influence student switching intentions toward tablet e-textbook applications. Pull effects have the strongest effect on student switching intentions while push and mooring effects are relatively weaker. Mooring effects, including habit and switching cost, negatively influenced switching intentions. Furthermore, the moderating effects of mooring factors and gender are found to be non-significant in this study.
