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篇名 Facebook持續使用意圖與黏著度影響因果模式建構之研究:以行動裝置使用者為實證
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 Developing a Nomological Model to Examine Factors Influencing Users' Continuance Intentions and Stickiness to Facebook: An Empirical Study on Mobile Users
作者 陳宜檉林育珊游捷閔
頁次 079-091
關鍵字 臉書期望確認理論黏著度行動裝置使用者Facebookexpectation-confirmation theorystickinessmobile users
出刊日期 201211
DOI 10.3966/222369612012110202006


網路通訊科技的進步,不僅拉近了人與人之間的距離,也改變了我們的生活與訊息溝通的方式,而各類社群網站應用的興起,亦成為現代人訊息傳遞與社會互動的重要媒介。此外,隨著行動裝置的快速發展與普及,使用者對社群網站的使用行為也隨之改變,有不少使用者是透過行動裝置(如筆記型電腦、智慧型手機、平板電腦等)來使用社群網站,在現今科技發展快速的環境,社群網站必須提升使用者的持續使用動機,並瞭解各類使用者的需求,以提升使用者於網站的黏著度,而此亦為影響社群網站永續經營的重要關鍵。本研究是以目前最多人使用的社群網站臉書(Facebook)為例,以期望確認理論的觀點(expectation-confirmation theory, ECT)為理論基礎,深入探索影響Facebook使用者黏著度的影響因素,藉由嚴謹的理論發展程序,建構一個Facebook 網站使用者黏著度的影響因果模式;研究者並藉由最小偏平方法,以對所建構的概念架構與研究假說進行驗證與檢核。本研究的研究成果希望能有效瞭解Facebook 使用者的相關因子,以對其網站滿意度、持續使用意圖與黏著度影響關係,提供重要的參考與研究依據,並有效強化社群網站之經營績效。


The rise and wide spread of the social network have change the styles of social interaction and message delivery among modern people. In addition, the rapid progress and ubiquitous features of the Internet and communication technologies have dramatically changed modern people's using behaviors of social networking sites (SNS). Understanding mobile users' needs, getting popular gathering, acquiring potential mobile users and making mobile users stick on the websites are critical for their sustainable operation. Based upon expectation confirmation theory (ECT), this study is proposed to examine the factors influencing mobile users' continuance intentions and stickiness to the world's most popular SNS, Facebook. The instrument for data collection is meticulously developed. Using the partial least squares (PLS) analysis, the proposed research model and hypotheses will also be rigorously validated. The findings of this study are expected to provide practical guidance to the SNS owners and serve as instrumental references to the research discipline to understand the causal effects of the related perceived factors that may influence mobile users' satisfaction, continuance intention and stickiness towards SNS. That may further enhance the business performance of the SNS operations.
