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篇名 跨機關資訊分享的資訊類別與目的之探索研究:以臺灣電子化政府為例
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 What to Share and Why to Share? A Case Study of CrossBoundary Information Sharing in Taiwan e-Government
作者 楊東謀吳怡融
頁次 025-053
關鍵字 跨機關資訊分享電子化政府台灣BoundaryInformation SharingElectronic GovernmentTaiwanTSSCI
出刊日期 201306
DOI 10.6182/jlis.2013.11(1).025


在公部門之間,跨機關資訊分享行為在機關的合作上扮演一重要角色,有助於機關增進其 業務運作的效率與效能。此研究旨在探索跨機關資訊分享的過程中,所分享的資訊類別與分享 目的為何。研究發現,跨機關資訊分享的資訊可以區分為五種類別,分別為搜集之原始數據資 料、已加值處理資訊、行政作業相關資訊、行政作業相關知識與專業領域相關知識。此外,此 研究也針對跨機關資訊分享的目的進行概念化分類,並初步將其分成七個目的探討,在此個案 研究中,是以資訊的搜尋和驗證、資訊的整合與業務流程鏈為主要目的。此探索研究希望藉著 對於跨機關資訊分享在政府機關之間所扮演角色的瞭解,豐富現今電子化政府與資訊分享的相 關文獻。


In the public sector, cross-boundary information sharing has been an important theme among governmental collaboration and is critical to organizational efficiency and performance. This research explores the types and characteristics of shared information and the intended purposes of information sharing. In the case study, the cross-boundary shared information can be abstracted into five fundamental types: the collected raw data, the value-added information, the administration-oriented information, the administration-oriented knowledge, and the domain-oriented knowledge. Another framework is proposed to conceptualize the purposes of interagency information sharing. The identified seven purposes are administrative work, information search and verification, information aggregation, business process chain, innovative service, experience-based knowledge sharing, and crisis and emergency. The seven purposes do not mean to be an exhaustive list but to provide an initial conceptualization to perceive the functionalities and roles that cross-boundary information sharing plays among government agencies. The two proposed frameworks can help both researchers and practitioners perceive and clarify the fundamental part of cross-boundary information sharing in the public sector. The finding of this research is also expected to enrich the current information-sharing theories and to contribute to the current e-Government literature from an international perspective.
