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篇名 資訊素養與閱讀策略融入國小四年級「我們的水族箱」主題探究:以Big6模式為例
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 The Integration of the Big6 Information Literacy and Reading Strategies Instruction in a Fourth Grade Inquiry-Based Learning Course, “Our Aquarium”
作者 林菁謝欣穎
頁次 095-130
關鍵字 資訊素養閱讀策略自然學習領域Bg6模式Information LiteracyReading StrategiesScience CoursesBig6 ModelTSSCI
出刊日期 201306
DOI 10.6182/jlis.2013.11(1).095


本研究旨在利用Big6模式將資訊素養和閱讀策略融入國小四年級自然與生活科技領域「我 們的水族箱」主題探究,以探討學生在探究過程中的學習表現,及合作的老師對此課程的看 法。此融入課程依照Big6模式設計,從定義問題開始,經過尋找策略、取得資訊、使用資訊及 統整資訊階段,最後以自我評估反省為終了。整個研究進行一學期,以參與觀察、訪談、問 卷、測驗與文件分析等多元方法蒐集資料。研究結果發現資訊素養和閱讀策略可經由B@6模式 的主題探究融入課程,學生在尋找策略、取得資訊、使用資訊和統整資訊階段表現佳,但在定 義問題和反省評估階段則仍有進步的空間。學生已會使用許多閱讀策略,但仍未能將它們内 化。學生在自然與生活科技領域的學科表現也有進步。參與研究的老師認為不同領域老師間的 協同合作是融入課程能否成功的關鍵。


This study investigated the student performance in an inquiry learning course which integrated information literacy and reading strategies in a fourth-grade science class. The curriculum design was based on the Big6 model, which includes the stages of task definition, information seeking strategies, location & access, use of information, synthesis, and evaluation. The study duration was one semester. The data was gathered through participant observations, interviews, surveys, tests, and from documents generated in the course implementation. The results showed that the integration of information literacy and reading strategies instruction was feasible. The students performed well in information seeking strategies, locating & accessing information, using and synthesizing information.
In contrast, their abilities in task definition and evaluation needed further improvement. Also, while the students did acquire various reading strategies during the inquiry process, they needed more exercises to internalize the skills. The performance on the acquisition of subject knowledge was also improved through the inquiry learning. The participating instructors considered that the collaboration between teachers of different subject matters was the key to a successful integrated instruction.
