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篇名 碩士論文引用文獻錯誤之研究:以圖資與資工領域為例
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 Citation Errors in the Masters’ Theses of the Library and Information Science and Information Engineering
作者 李家如林雯瑤
頁次 167-195
關鍵字 引用文獻分析引用文獻錯誤碩士論文圖書資訊學資訊工程Citation AnalysisCitation ErrorMaster’s ThesisLibrary and Information Science Information EngineeringTSSCI
出刊日期 201306
DOI 10.6182/jlis.2013.11(1).167


為了解不同領域之引用文獻錯誤率的差異,本研究以引用文獻分析法探討淡江大學資訊 與圖書館學系與資訊工程學系於96學年度與100學年度125部碩士論文之3,564筆引用文獻的錯 誤狀況。分析項目包括:引用文獻錯誤率、引用文獻之類型及其錯誤率、引用文獻中各項資料 之錯誤項目等。研究結果顯示,整體引用文獻錯誤率為22.8%,其中資圖系為20.1%,資工系 為24.3% ; 96學年度與100學年度引用文獻錯誤率分別為21%與24.4%。引用文獻類型方面,以 書籍的錯誤率最高,其次為會議論文與學位論文,而個別論文的引用文獻錯誤率分佈從4%到 81.3%。本研究建議透過推廣書目管理軟體的使用,以及在研究所的研究方法課程或圖書館利 用指導中加強引用技巧教育,應可降低引用錯誤率。


To investigate the conditions of citation errors in different graduate programs, this study analyzed a total of 3,564 references cited in 125 master’s theses, endorsed respectively by the Departments of Information and Library Science (DILS) as well as Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE) of Tamkang University in 2007 and 2011. The analyses focused on citation error rates, citation errors associated with different reference types, and the types of citation errors, i.e., numeric errors, textual errors, or both. The overall citation error rate within the sample theses was 22.8% (21% and 24.4% for the academic years of 2007 and 2011, respectively). Error rate for DILS was 20.1% and 24.3% for CSIE. Citation errors occurred mostly in references to books, followed by conference papers and theses. Citation error rates for each individual thesis ranged from 4% to 81.3%. The study results showed that citation instruction in graduate programs is highly needed to promote better citation behavior. The use of reference management tools combined with citation instruction via research methods and library instruction courses may effectively reduce the occurrence of citation errors.
