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篇名 梅湘的管弦樂改編寫作技法之探討——以二首《為Mi的詩集》之選曲為例
卷期 18
並列篇名 Analysis of Messiaen’s Transcribing Techniques for Orchestra –An Example of Selected Pieces from Poèmes pour Mi
作者 蕭慶瑜
頁次 057-095
關鍵字 梅湘現代音樂法國音樂管弦樂改編Olivier MessiaenModern musicFrench musicTranscription
出刊日期 201305
DOI 10.6244/JOMR.2013.18.03


本文係以選自法國現代作曲家梅湘(Olivier Messiaen, 1908-1992)的作品 《為Mi的詩集》、PoO:me pour Mi, 1937)為例,探討其管弦樂改編寫作技法。


In his early works, Messiaen had developed a distinctive musical language, and he transcribed his original pieces several times for other instrumental groups. Taking his nine-song cycle Poemes pour Mi as an example, the original instrumentation for soprano and piano was “transcribed,,by Messiaen into a work for soprano and orchestra one year later. Although the vocal part remained unchanged, the accompaniment was significantly transformed in its new incarnation. This study intends to analyze these transcription techniques and their transformation for orchestra in Messiaen’s work, specifically in an examination of select pieces from the song cycle Poemes pour Mi.
