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篇名 薑黃素微乳液之經皮傳送研究
卷期 32:1-4
並列篇名 Microemulsion for Curcumin Transdermal Delivery
作者 洪德鎧陳嘉媚劉繼賢
頁次 001-009
關鍵字 化學促進劑微乳液薑黃素經皮傳輸Chemical enhancermicroemulsioncurcumintransdermal delivery
出刊日期 201007


脂溶性藥物-薑黃素有溶解度低、穩定性差和ロ服生物可利用率低的缺點,利用微乳液的劑型配合經皮輸藥系統可以克服上述缺點,提升藥物治療效果。利用經皮輸藥系統的途徑,最大的阻礙為皮膚的角質層蔽障,要克服皮膚的角質層蔽障。本研究利用微乳液劑型篩選多種促進劑’結果顯示當微乳液含有 Limonene、Geraniol、Isopropyl myristate (IPM)、 Isopropyl alcohol (IPA)、 Dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium bromide (DDAB)、 Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB)具有良好穩定性,粒徑為 21.59 ±0.20 nm,而皮膚組織切片結果亦顯示此微乳液無顯著皮膚損傷,利用體外穿透裝置,分析此微乳液24 h薑黃素藥物總穿透量可以達98μg/cm2,具良好經皮穿透效果。


Curcumin, a potent drug, has low solubility, poor stability and oral bioavailability. The transdermal delivery by using the microemulsion can increase the bioavailability of lipophilic drugs and can overcome the above drawbacks. However, the stratum corneum is the biggest obstacle to success of the transdermal delivery. In this study, chemical enhancers are adopted into microemulsion formulation to investigate the effects on curcumin transdermal delivery. Our results show that a microemulsion containing limonene, geraniol, isopropyl myristate, isopropyl alcohol, dimethyl dioctadecyl ammonium bromide and cetyl-trimethyl ammonium bromide has good stability with a size distribution of about 21.59 士 0.20 nm. H&E stain of the treated skin tissue also shows that this microemulsion does not cause significant skin damage after a 24-hr penetration experiment. The transdermal curcumin reaches up to 98 |xg/cm2 which indicates the microemulsion has good penetration ability.
