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篇名 先天陰莖彎曲病患手術後滿意度追蹤評估
卷期 2:1
並列篇名 Follow-up Evaluation of the Postoperative Satisfaction for the Patients of Congenital Penile Curvature
作者 呂嘉惠黎永明陳怡光吳建志陳冠州江漢聲
頁次 045-056
關鍵字 先天陰莖彎曲青少年性諮商陰莖摺縫手術陰莖畸形congenital penile curvaturepenile deformitypenile plication surgerysexual counseling for teenage
出刊日期 200403


背景和目的:先天陰莖彎曲的男性在心理和兩性問題上的困擾遠超過彎曲所引起的生理症狀,本文透過術後追蹤評估手術效益及病患的心理適應。方法:本研究針對30位病人回溯來做術前問卷和術後滿意度追蹤評量,其中15位有性伴侶和性經驗,15位無性經驗。結果:我們發現:在手術前祇有3例(10%)會有勃起疼痛,而在有性伴侶的病人中有9 例(60%) 有性行為的困難,27-97%的病人會有各種心理的壓力和困擾。就尋求支持系統來說,80%有伴侶的病人中會讓伴侶知道,而沒有伴侶的病人中祇有20%會讓家人朋友知道。可見有此困擾者不一定得到鼓勵或支持去就醫,所以實際上是一種「隱疾」。在術後的追蹤評量發現,雖然祇有60%認為陰莖是完全正中的,然而有90%對於勃起感到完全滿意。在16位有性行為的病人中,13位(81%)對性生活感到完全滿意,更重要的是手術過後,病人對身體意象好轉:包括83%病人增加日後性行為的自信,73%病人解除心理的顧慮,40%病人增強交友的意願,23%病人具有更正面的身體意像。結論:整體而言,87%的病人高度推薦本治療方法。研究者認為加強這種疾病的健康教育,並提供更完善的就醫諮商管道是必須的,而摺縫手術的確在術後帶給絕大部分陰莖彎曲病人更佳的身心健康。


Background and Purpose: For the patients of the congenital penile curvature, thepsychological depression and the sexual partners' dissatisfaction became a biggerproblem for a male than the symptoms caused by the disease itself. Methods: This studycollected 30 cases of the congenital penile curvature, 15 of them had sexual partner andsexual experience and the other 15 had sexual experienced sexual intercourse, for aninvestigation of the postoperative satisfaction by a retrospective preoperativequestionnaire and postoperative follow-up evaluation. Results: We found only 3 cases(10%) had the symptom of erectile pain; 9 of 15 cases (60%) with sexual partnerexperienced the coital difficulty and 27-97% patients had different kind of psychologicalstress and frustrations. Concerning the seeking of "Support System" to help them solvethe problem, 80% of the patients let their partner know their own deformity, and only 20%of patients, which are still single, let their family help them. In the follow-up evaluation,although only 60% recognize that their penis become fully straight after operation,however, 90% of the patients felt satisfied about penile erection, and 13 of 16 (81%) hadever experienced satisfactory sexual intercourse. For the more, a remarkableimprovement can be identified postoperatively about their "body image". It includes 83%had more self-confidence 73% relieved the psychological stress 40% increase themotivation for making friend with female partner and 23% like their own penis.Conclusion: In general, 87% of the patients think it is worthwhile to receive the operationand strongly recommend to the other patients with congenital penile curvature. Weconclude that the health education and a wider channel of counseling are needed in oursociety for the young male with congenital penile curvature. The surgery to correct thecurvature is certainly benefit to the patients for their psychological health.
