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篇名 "Doing theMonth" and Social Support
卷期 2:2
並列篇名 作月子與社會支持
作者 賀姝霞
頁次 011-017
關鍵字 chinese postpartum ritedoing the monthsocial support中國產後儀式作月子社會支持
出刊日期 200406




The purpose of this articlewas to explore the relationship between "doing the month",and social support. Doing the month is a strategy and a form of support derived fromChinese culture for postpartum women. Most Chinese postpartum women believe thatfollowing rituals of doing the month according to tradition can make them healthy, notonly in the period immediately following childbirth, but also in their later life. While thereare many variables involved in the practice of doing the monthwhichmight contribute tothe health of postpartum women, one important aspect that has been identified concernssocial support. The concept of a rite that fulfils a postpartum woman's expectations issuggested. Healthcare professionals need to be aware of the expectations of individualpostpartum women in order to provide them with appropriate care and develop supportprograms to prevent postnatal distress.
