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篇名 異種資源整合之溫差發電可行性探討
卷期 3:2
並列篇名 The Integration of Heterogeneous Resources Feasibility of Thermoelectric Power Generation
作者 陳孟炬林政佑周俊宇沈治平賴德鴻
頁次 025-036
關鍵字 再生能源有機朗肯循環海洋溫差發電深層海水renewable energyorganic rankine cycle OTECdeep sea water
出刊日期 201311
DOI 10.3966/222369612013110302003


海洋溫差發電之表層海水與深層海水之間,一般僅有20~25°C 的溫差。僅以海洋溫差發電,因其溫差差距不大、布管長及發電設備體積龐大等問題,評估僅有3% 的發電效率(coefficient of performance, COP);改以高溫溫泉水替代表面海水,與深層海水之溫差約有80~100°C 左右,其溫差高於海洋發電的14倍,其發電效率最高可達為0.23,相較於海洋溫差發電僅0.032,高出10 倍之多。因此,本研究利用臺東地區特殊之地理環境,探討以高溫的溫泉水取代表層海水的方式增加溫差,分別從有機朗肯循環技術之工作流體的選擇、異種資源整合溫差發電系統之熱力性能分析、臺灣東部地理環境蘊藏資源之潛力、深層海水與溫泉水整合溫差發電的營運成本與經濟效益等不同面向,探討再生能源發電系統之異種資源整合和溫差發電可行性分析。


Generally, in an Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) power generation, the temperature difference between surface sea water and deep sea water is only about 20~25°C. In this study, we investigated that high temperature spring water was replaced to the surface sea water to increase the temperature difference. The hot spring water and deep sea water (DSW) temperature about 80~100°C. It was compared to only 0.032 OTEC, more than 10 times. The selection of working fluid to the organic Rankine cycle (ORC), thermal performance analysis of different resources to the thermoelectric power generation system, geographical environment of eastern part of Taiwan contains the potential resources, operating costs and economic benefits of thermoelectric power of using DSW and hot spring water are also discussed respectively in the study.
