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篇名 影響電子化病歷系統使用意願因素之探討
卷期 3:2
並列篇名 Exploring the Factors Affecting the Intention to Use Electronic Medical Records System
作者 郭仁宗邱勝祥曹雅淳陳語柔徐家欣曾于珊
頁次 077-090
關鍵字 期望確認理論資訊系統成功模式電子化病歷系統expectation confirmation theoryIS success modelelectronic medical records system
出刊日期 201311
DOI 10.3966/222369612013110302006


隨著無線通訊網路的蓬勃發展與手持式電子設備的快速演進,人們對於醫療照護需求與日俱增,再加上政府近年來提倡「行動化」、「無線化」與「環保化」等概念,各大醫院與診所逐漸從過去傳統紙本病歷管理邁向病歷電子化的管理模式,透過提供電子儲存、查詢、統計、資料交換等,整合不同平臺與來源的醫療資訊,以期提供給病患更完整的醫療服務。 目前國內醫院病歷電子化發展已逐漸普及, 然而, 電子化病歷系統(electronic medical records system, EMRS)在導入與使用過程當中,是否如醫院人員眾所預期?對醫療照護服務的影響為何?仍屬於一個值得探討與研究的議題。因此,本研究擬從「資訊系統成功模式」與「期望確認理論」的觀點,冀望透過相關文獻的探討、整理與研究模型的建立,進一步發掘並瞭解影響使用者對EMRS 使用滿意度及持續使用意願之重要因素。 本研究擬從醫師與護理人員去瞭解其對於EMRS 的態度及看法,研究調查進行時間為2013年5月1~8 月31日;預計發放300份問卷,資料分析先以驗證性因素分析來檢視各研究構面信度與效度,再以結構模式來檢測所提出之研究假說。藉由問卷調查及研究假設的驗證,瞭解有哪些因素會影響到使用者及醫院人員對於EMRS 的使用,據此作為未來電子化病歷相關應用系統設計之參考,並讓其他欲導入EMRS 之醫院與診所有一個依循的方針。


Given the development of wireless communication network and great progress of mobile equipment, the demand of health care has daily risen. Moreover, due to the fact that government has promoted the policy of mobility, wireless, and environmental protection, hospitals change their way to conduct medical records more effectively, such as electronic storing, retrieving, statistics, and data exchange. Although the implementation and development of electronic medical records system (EMRS) in the hospital is more common in nowadays, the performance of EMRS may be far away from user’s expectation. Therefore, to more clarify our understanding of important factors that affect user’s continuance intention to use EMRS, this study applies “information system success model” and “expectation confirmation theory” as the theoretical framework. The population for this study is doctors and nurses in the hospital. These doctors and nurses are chosen as the single informant in this study because of their ability to answer questions related to EMRS adoption. The investigation time of this study is from 2013 May to August. Questionnaires will be mailed to the 300 doctors and nurses. The research model and hypothesized relationships were empirically tested, using a partial least squares (PLS) analysis approach. The results of the study will be useful to practitioners’ formulating appropriate strategies, thus increasing the success rate for adopting EMRS in their hospital.
