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篇名 網路廣告價值模式之驗證
卷期 3:2
並列篇名 Examining the Network Advertisement Value Model
作者 陳岳陽鄭宜庭陳昌源
頁次 115-134
關鍵字 網路廣告廣告價值廣告態度類社會臨場感購買意圖network advertisementnetwork advertisement valuenetwork advertisement attitudePara-social Presence theorypurchase intention
出刊日期 201311
DOI 10.3966/222369612013110302008




With the proliferation of the Internet, it makes advertisement diversely and virtualization. Comparing to traditional advertising, network advertisement is a more interactive and anthropomorphic way to communicate with consumers. Therefore, the design of the network advertisement for attracting consumers and expand the advertising effectiveness are main concerns for advertising agency. According to the related issues about advertising, drawing on the “network advertisement value model,” this present research integrated the factors drawing from “Para-social Presence theory”. We aim to investigate the effects of important antecedents on the value of the network advertisement, network advertising attitude toward brand, and consumers purchase intentions. The respondents who experienced with online advertisement were investigated, and the data was used to validate the research framework and hypotheses. The results of this study show that the evaluation of consumer value for network advertisement depended on whether the characteristics of network advertisement to meet consumer needs or not. Therefore, advertisers must have a consumer-oriented standpoint for providing relevant product information to meet consumers’ demands in order to achieve the goals of network advertisement marketing.
