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篇名 以APP促進店家與消費者的互動
卷期 3:2
並列篇名 Exploring How to Use Smartphone APP for Enhancing the Interaction between Vendors and Consumers
作者 曾琳珊張樹之
頁次 135-154
關鍵字 互動關係打卡分享行動廣告適地性服務臉書interaction relationshipcheck-in toolmobile advertisinglocation-based service facebook
出刊日期 201311
DOI 10.3966/222369612013110302009


財團法人資訊工業策進會創新應用服務研究所(Foreseeing Innovative NewDigiservices, FIND)估計指出,2015 年智慧型手機使用率將會高達52.5%,配合現今臉書(Facebook)所提供給智慧型手機用戶之打卡功能的盛行,愈來愈多智慧型手機使用者養成了隨時隨地分享資訊並使用打卡功能的習慣。由社會現況得知,餐飲業為最常利用打卡行為來作為行銷策略的行業之一,本研究基於此一條件,針對餐飲業所需及增進使用者打卡行為的附加價值,設計出一款名為Checheck的智慧型手機APP 與Facebook 做結合,並使店家達到傳遞即時資訊給使用者及達成行動廣告的目的,進而節省使用者搜索目標店家的時間。首先本研究藉由焦點團體訪談方法,瞭解使用者對於此APP 的態度和想法,並從中分析出使用者的真正需求,發展出本研究的主要架構,進而增加受測者人數,以數據量化的方法評估此APP 是否能促進使用者與店家良好互動關係的目的。期許本研究能提供現代餐飲業經營或管理上之參考,並幫助未來餐飲業在做行銷規劃和行動廣告上的構思。


The Taiwan Market Intelligence Center Foreseeing Innovative New Digiservices (FIND) estimated that the penetration rate of Smartphone will increase to 52.5% in 2015. With the advancement of information and communication technologies (ICT), ICT users can connect with other users through Facebook and access check-in tool through their Smartphone anywhere and anytime. Thus, using Smartphone APPs is becoming a common habit among more and more ICT users. Currently, catering industry is one of the industries which often use check-in tool to promote their marketing strategies. Therefore, this research aims to exploring the demand of catering industry and increasing the value-added of customer check-in behavior. We designed an APP (and named it “Che-check”) which could connect with Facebook, allowing the vendors to send the promote information to the customers immediately and to save searching time for the customers in search the target vendors. First, this study use the focus group method to realize the users’ attitude and ideas and analyzed real demands of customers, finally this study develop the main framework of this study. And then, this study increase the test participant and use the quantify method to evaluate whether the APP can promote the relationship between customers and vendors. Hopefully, this study can shed light on suggestions, guidelines and implications to business design, and marketing strategy to managers. And give the idea to help the catering industry in marketing plan and mobile advertising in the future.
