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篇名 Hypogonadism in the AgingMale in Taiwan
卷期 1
作者 Chiang, Han-sunChiou, Hung-yi
頁次 005-012
關鍵字 male hypogonadismmale sex hormoneandropauseaging malefree-androgen indexbioavailable testosterone
出刊日期 200312



Abstract: Male climacterics becomes a hot topic of the medical field in recent years.Declination of sex hormone in the aging male (male hypogonadism) causing andropausesyndrome is well recognized in the civilized society. Epidemiological survey as well asclinical assessment concerning male hypogonadism in Taiwan has a big progress throughseveral comprehensive studies. This article reviews the prevalence studies of thehypogonadism in Taiwanese aging male. Based on the result of the different sample, weare going to define the "biochemical hypogonadism" of the male, and establish a clinicalguideline for the routine screening of male hypogonadism. It will be a consensus for thephysicians to deal the aged patients of male hypogonadism with a more accuratediagnosis in the future.
