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篇名 Music, Nerves, and Occupational Therapy
卷期 1
作者 Shih, Yi-nuoChiang, Han-sunHwang, Mann-tsongWu, Kuo-ho
頁次 013-019
關鍵字 musical activitiesnerveoccupational therapy
出刊日期 200312



Abstract: As indicated by much research, music produces various impacts on thenervous system and brain, and thus music can enhance therapeutic effects. Tooccupational therapists, music is a commonly used therapeutic medium that enablespatients to recover their psychological, physiological, and social functions. From theperspectives of the model of human occupation (MOHO), occupational form, andoccupational performance, music intervention in occupational therapy is worthy ofcontinued practice. In this study, we review the literature on the effects of music on thehuman nervous system, investigate how music benefits patients receiving occupationaltherapy, and discuss how an occupational therapist who is unschooled in music maymake good use of musical activities, in hopes of improving occupational therapists'knowledge ofmusic and their skills in applying musical activities to occupational therapy.
