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篇名 客家俗諺中的蛇意象及文化涵蘊
卷期 13
並列篇名 The Imagery and Cultural Purport of the Snake in Hakka Proverbs
作者 劉醇鑫
頁次 71-91
關鍵字 客家俗諺意象HakkaProverbsSnakeImagery
出刊日期 201403




There was a close link between the snake and human life in ancient times, though modern people do not adore this slithering creature that much. It has been thought that the snake has cognitive representations of evilness, greediness, and cattiness, which makes people abhor it. On the other hand, its character also carries positive meanings of hard work and goodwill. The imagery of snake can profoundly reflect on cultural connotations among Hakka proverbs in spite of its negative stereotype.
This paper will discuss snake-related Hakka proverbs from perspectives that mingled good or bad imagery and cultural connotations to help understand Hakka custom, culture and concepts.
