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篇名 褪黑激素缺乏與譫妄--現階段證據之綜合論述
卷期 13
並列篇名 Melatonin Deficiency in Delirium--A Review of Current Evidence
作者 尹澄嫻謝東呈
頁次 1-21
關鍵字 譫妄褪黑激素晝夜節律失智症DeliriumMelatoninCircadian rhythmDementia
出刊日期 201403




The pineal hormone melatonin plays a major role in circadian sleep-wake rhythm in many mammals, including humans. Patients with delirium, especially those with underlying cognitive impairment, frequently suffer from sleep disturbances and disturbed circadian rhythm. In order to provide an update on the understanding of the etiology and potential pathophysiological mechanisms of delirium, we overview delirium and delirium symptoms that correspond with symptoms in dementia followed by a presentation of the circadian rhythm disorders in delirium in relation to melatonin deficiency. Finally, this review examines the therapeutic benefit of melatonin treatment in disorders related to delirium and dementia including the recent randomised clinical trials addressing this topic.
