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篇名 臺北市國小學童的讀報行為與對讀報成效的認知研究
卷期 12:1
並列篇名 A Study of the Cognitive Effects and Outcomes of Newspaper Reading Behavior of the Elementary School Students in the Taipei City
作者 馮琼愛邱銘心
頁次 135-171
關鍵字 讀報教育讀報行為讀報成效Newspaper-in-EducationNewspaper Reading BehaviorCognitive Effect on Newspaperin- EducationTSSCI
出刊日期 201406
DOI 10.6182/jlis.2014.12(1).135




The purpose of this study is aimed to explore the elementary school students in Taipei on the demographic variables of gender and grade level; their views of implementation of newspaper behavior, including learning motivations, learning preferences and frequencies; and their selfassessment of effects on newspaper-in-education that included broader views, better interpersonal relationship, civic literacy, expression ability, problem solving ability, and increase of vocabulary. The study involved elementary school students participated in "the Newspaper in Education in Taipei Elementary School Education Project" in 2008.
The results showed that elementary school students do not differ in gender and grade level in their opinion of newspaper in education, but differ in self-assessing the learning outcomes. This study suggested that adequate teaching strategy for newspaper in education should be gender-and-grade specific, and at the same time should promote teacher-student collaborative teaching and learning to help students construct knowledge management capabilities in order to achieve the objectives of newspaper in education.
