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篇名 後山與前哨:東部和離島書寫
卷期 1
並列篇名 Frontier and Backyard: Regional Literature of Eastern and Off-Shore Islands of Taiwan
作者 范銘如
頁次 061-074
關鍵字 地方空間地誌placespacetopography
出刊日期 201004


地方書寫是 90 年代中期以來台灣文學的潮流之一。繼南部作家發展出類似 的敘事模式後,東部和離島作家也隱然形構某些地方敘事的特徵。書寫這些地方 的小說不約而同大都著重於土地環境的描寫。第一種主題是批判、抗議性的,對 於人對環境或環境對人造成的苦難,第二種對於邊緣位置的原由及現象雖不乏批 評的意味,對本身保有的地方性卻有更正面的表述,積極摸索建構出邊陲詩學。 不管是前者還是後者,由於都是扣合著土地上衍伸出的故事或人物,地誌書寫的 特質鮮明,在類似的敘事模式中既形成區域文學的雛型又能再現各自的地方景 觀。東部離島建構中的邊陲詩學為當前的台灣地方書寫提供了觀摩的範本。


Regional literature has been one of the main streams of Taiwanese literature since the mid-1990s. As authors from the southern part of Taiwan gradually developed a writing model similar to that of a descriptive writing style, authors from the east and off-shore islands have also structured a few unique characteristics of their own. Both types of narrative lay emphasis on describing local landscape and surroundings. First of all, fiction created by authors from the south expressed criticism and a sense of disapproval whereas these works usually portray miseries that people cause to the environment, and vice versa - people’s sufferings resulting from the environment. On the other hand, works written by authors from the east and off-shore islands, although also implying criticism of the positioning and characteristics of the frontier just like in the works from the south, at the same time nevertheless retain positive depiction of the ability to preserve local characteristics, while - moreover - actively fumbling to form borderland poetics. No matter whether it is the works from the south or those from the east and off-shore islands, all are stories and characters derived from the land itself. These texts vividly display features of topography writing, molding regional literature out of a model similar to descriptive writing style, while at the same time reconstructing the local landscape for readers. The currently forming borderland poetics emerging from the east and off-shore islands of Taiwan provide an insightful observatory model from which to examine the development of contemporary Taiwan’s regional literature.
