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篇名 日治台灣配銷型態下的電影市場
卷期 4
並列篇名 The Distribution Pattern of Taiwan’s Film Market under Japanese Colonial Rule
作者 陳景峰
頁次 045-063
關鍵字 日治台灣電影產業文化消費習性庶民生活史「電影國策」「始政四十週年台灣博覽會」colonial Taiwan film industryhabits of cultural consumptionfolk life historyJapanese National Film Industry Policy during the Second World WarExposition of the 40th Anniversary of Colonial Rule
出刊日期 201110




By flashback expositions, this paper discusses the reason why the growth of cinemas in Taiwan was booming at the time of early post-war, while Taiwan did not have the capability to produce films. The main reason can be summarized by the phenomenon that Taiwan’s film industry did not have the capability of film production under Japanese colonial rule, but Taiwan had a substantial market for movie-watching. This kind of abnormal development arose because the government believed that film made by Taiwanese would threaten colonial control. To demonstrate the accuracy of this view, the paper will start with how Taiwan was influenced by Japan's “national film policy” and became Japanese films’ dumping grounds. Taking the example of the 40th anniversary exhibition of Taiwan’s colonial rule, at that time shipping methods had become much more convenient and the government created incentives for the Japanese industry. This led to the dominance of the Taiwanese market by Japanese film industry, and the monopoly of movie wholesale screening rights by the Japanese, which reduce the capability of the Taiwanese to produce movies of their own. The operation of theaters gradually became replaced by Japanese people. The government further attempted to create “Taiwan Screening Cooperation Network.” Progress was thereby made on controlling these movies distributed by the Japanese and consumed by the Taiwanese. The foundation of Taiwanese film consumption habits was thus established. To promote the consumption and educational function of movies, the government and the Japanese film producers intended to build habits of Taiwanese consumers by continuously improving theater facilities and promoting influence. In addition, the paper uses newspaper and magazine records as well as oral history together with a perspective of national history to observe the distribution channel of Taiwan’s film market.
