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篇名 台、華語語言接觸下的「有」字句
卷期 5
並列篇名 The Usage of Taiwanese U and Mandarin You as a Result of Language Contact between Taiwanese and Taiwan Mandarin
作者 陳麗君
頁次 001-026
關鍵字 「有」字句語言接觸語料庫語法化主觀化you/ulanguage contactcorpusgrammaticalizationsubjectification
出刊日期 201204


近年來雖然針對台灣華語「有+VP」構式的句法學和語意學相關研究繁多,不過由 於缺乏系統性的語料蒐集以及使用率調查,對於「有+VP」的詞類、語法功能以及其傳 播的原因不但諸家說法紛紜而且極少人提到其和「有+AP」的關聯。本研究利用語料庫 羅列出含有「有」的各種句式,再利用李克特的五尺度問卷調查各種句式的使用率。最 後運用Traugott 的主觀化理論以及功能變化模式說明語法化下的「有」的語意∕語用變 化。本研究從句法、語意∕語用變化的角度釐清了過去研究中的下列幾個問題:(1)掌 握台語和台灣華語的「有」的各種句式和使用頻率。(2)比較「有+VP」、「有+AP」 的使用,究明語言變化發生的原因,(3)語言接觸後語法化下「有」的語意∕語用可以 推論為說話者要求確認或表現質疑的主觀態度,(4)「有」的語法化過程。


In contemporary Taiwan, it is quite common for the word “you/u” to exist not as a verb. Many scholarships have focused on the syntactic structure and the semantic meaning of “you/u + VP,” but there is a lack of comprehensive understanding on “you/u” because little attention is paid to systematic research on gathering material from corpus and the frequency of uses. Existing literature offers conflicted opinions on the parts of speech and the grammatical function change of “you/u + VP,” but few researches discuss the relationships between “you/u + VP” and “you/u + AP” in explaining the widespread use of “you/u + VP.” This research aims to clarify the following questions from the perspectives of syntax and semantics: 1. It aims to investigate all the sentence structures with the word “you/u” in Taiwanese and Taiwan Mandarin and explore their frequency of usage. 2. It compares “you + VP” and “you + AP” and investigates the causes of this linguistic change. 3. It explores how the use of “you” has changed from “perfective” to indicate a subject’s attitude of confirmation or suspicion in language contact. 4. It discusses the grammaticalization of “you.”
