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篇名 再∕誤現1895:電影《一八九五》的產製與消費
卷期 5
並列篇名 Re/mis-presenting the Year of 1895: The Cinema Production and Consumption of the Film 1895 in Formosa
作者 莊佳穎
頁次 085-110
關鍵字 1895台灣電影生產實踐消費實踐歷史的製造Taiwan cinemaproductionconsumptionthe making of history
出刊日期 201204


本文藉由對於《一八九五》這部電影之生產和消費過程的爬梳,探討台灣社會對於 1895∕《一八九五》集體想像是如何生成的。筆者將把研究場域還原到台灣(人)本身 的生活現場之中,同時關注電影之生產者的生產實踐和消費者的消費實踐。筆者將討論 《一八九五》電影文本如何在電影生產者(如:出品人和導演等)與消費者(如:電影 觀眾、DVD 收藏者和網友等)之間,透過持續的表述書寫和實踐,形構台灣社會對於 1895∕《一八九五》的,兼具同質與異質、史實與想像的共體感。全文將分別就《一八 九五》電影文本本身作為一個意義闡連的所在、電影工作者作為文本生產者之生產實踐、 及電影觀眾作為文本消費者之消費實踐三個部份做討論。


This paper explores how Taiwanese society “makes” its own collective imagination in relation to 1895/1895 in Formosa by analysing people’s production and consumption of the film 1895 in Formosa. I focus on the mundane details of Taiwanese people’s everyday life, as well as the production and consumption process of the film from the filmmakers’ point of view and the consumers’ point of view respectively. I discuss how 1895 in Formosa, as text and “compromise equilibrium” (Gramsci, 1998: 211; Storey, 1999: 150) between production and consumption (agency), articulates the meanings of 1895 and constructs Taiwanese society’s sense of community.
