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篇名 書寫的斷裂:日本記憶在台灣的轉換
卷期 7
並列篇名 Rupture in Writing: Japanese Colonial Memory in Taiwan Discourse
作者 林怡君
頁次 089-120
關鍵字 日治時期台灣小說殖民後殖民記憶認同Taiwan fiction during the Japanese ruled periodcolonizationpostcolonialmemoryidentification
出刊日期 201304




Taiwan fiction under Japanese rule often treats the Japanese and Japanophiles (Taiwanese friendly to the Japanese rulers) as instigators of colonial oppression and injustice. However, after the lifting of martial law, there appeared a wave of literature and film that put this Japanese colonial memory in a more positive light. This paper on Japanese colonial rule focuses on related Taiwan fiction and research through fieldwork, newspapers and authors’ diaries to discuss how “wretched colonial memory” has transformed into “good colonial memory” during the past two decades. The generation of writers during the colonial period and after interpret modernization differently. Whereas the writers of the Japanese period interpret it in accordance with the working masses, judging it as brutal and aggressive, the later generation treats it as order and progress. Furthermore, Taiwan intellectuals under Japanese rule often emphasized their Han Chinese identity, while Taiwan intellectuals in recent years have celebrated their colonial past. On the one hand, both wish to beautify the past as one without an authoritarian regime; one the other hand, both seek Taiwan self-positioning and national subjectivity.
