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篇名 英譯歌仔戲:翻譯廖瓊枝的《陳三五娘》
卷期 8
並列篇名 Taiwanese Opera in English: Translating Liao Chiung-chih’s Chen San Wu Niang
作者 費儒伯
頁次 001-027
關鍵字 歌仔戲《陳三五娘》廖瓊枝台語文學Taiwanese operaChen San Wu NiangLiao Chiung-chihTaiwanese literaturetranslation
出刊日期 201310




The paper deals with the author’s translation of Chen San Wu Niang, a traditional Taiwanese opera script compiled by Liao Chiung-chih. Beginning with a synopsis of the play and an analysis of its language, the author goes on to discuss his translation strategy and its implications for the actual work of translation: the decision to render operatic arias in rhyme and meter; the use of dialogue as a means of characterization; possibilities for translating Taiwanese puns, proverbs and colloquialisms; and improvisation as a means of adding color and interest to the translated text. Lastly, there is a call for translation of other classic scripts in celebration of what is perhaps Taiwan’s premier contribution to the arts, the Taiwanese opera.
