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篇名 古箏彈絃位置之音色分析與演奏實踐
卷期 19
並列篇名 Plucking Positions on the Guzheng Strings: Timbral Analysis and Performance Practice
作者 楊宜樺蔡振家
頁次 001-030
關鍵字 古箏音色彈絃位置演奏實踐guzhengtimbreplucking positions on the stringperformance practice
出刊日期 201311
DOI 10.6244/JOMR.2013.19.01




In traditional Chinese music, a solo instrument can produce various timbres. Previous investigations on the performance practice of the guzheng have revealed an intense interest of timbre, focusing on the uses of different timbres and the performing techniques in traditional and modern works. Among these techniques, analyses of plucking positions on the guzheng strings and their corresponding timbral changes have been scant. The aim of the present paper is to explore the timbres and musical uses of different plucking positions by means of spectral analysis and further inquiry. Preliminary results suggest that plucking a string at the seventh or the eighth of its length can produce the ideal timbral result. On the other hand, plucking a string at its midpoint usually produces a hollow sound quality, which is due to the predominance of odd-numbered harmonics. Music analysis suggests that guzheng players occasionally change their plucking position to achieve a variety of effects and expressions.
