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篇名 垂直蒙太奇框架下的電影音樂敘事分析:以〈無樂不作〉、〈國境之南〉、〈野玫瑰〉三首配樂為例
卷期 20
並列篇名 A study of narrative function of source music in Cape No. 7: Eisenstein’s vertical montage and music-scene theories as an analytical framework
作者 劉立行鄭曉駿
頁次 001-038
關鍵字 垂直蒙太奇音畫圖對位劇內音樂敘事分析vertical montagemusic-scene figurecounterpointsource musicnarrative function
出刊日期 201406
DOI 10.6244/JOMR.2014.20.01


本研究以俄國電影導演艾森斯坦之垂直蒙太奇(vertical montage)理論做為研究架構,並採用艾森斯坦發明之音畫圖為分析工具,針對電影文本《海角七號》之劇內音樂作文本分析。藉由對故事結構、音樂使用時機、樂曲結構、分鏡等的解構,探討電影音樂與影像的協調、對位,闡釋電影劇內音樂所扮演的角色及敘事功能。


This study uses the Russian film director S. M. Eisenstein's vertical montage and music-scene figure theories as a research framework, analyzing source music from Taiwanese film Cape No. 7. By deconstructing story structure, timing of using music, song structure, and still, photography, this study explains the musics narrative functions and the role of source music within Taiwanese films.
This study has found that commercial and marketing considerations have brought about increased diversity in the relation between music and film, and also more specialized working methods. Nowadays source music in Taiwanese films can be used as the main narrative subject. However, source music hasn't arrived at the level of independent narrative , still relying on the auxiliary of image and lyrics to help viewers understanding the film more. Therefore, this study also points out that the relationship between music and scene are not appurtenant, but parallel.
