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篇名 三輪式移動機器人具有連續切換機制之全域軌跡追蹤控制
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 Global Trajectory Tracking Control of Tri-wheeled Mobile Robots with Continuous Switching Mechanism
作者 蔡樸生陳珍源吳德豐
頁次 001-013
關鍵字 非完整約束反對稱鏈狀模型李雅普諾夫奇異點切換機制全域軌跡追蹤Nonholonomic ConstraintsSkew Chained FormLyapunovSingularitySwitching MechanismGlobal Trajectory Tracking
出刊日期 201406




With the nonholonomic constraints naturally arising from the non-sliding wheels, a global tracking controller for a tri-wheeled mobile robot is investigated in this paper. To facilitate controller design, the kinematic equation can be converted into the skew chained form so that the Lyapunov synthesis method can be adopted artfully. However, in the transformation from the kinematic equation to a skew chained system, a singularity problem may occur in the desired path which restricts the region of application. To solve this problem, two sets of complementary skew chained systems are used interchangeably so that the tracking is global and every desired trajectory can be followed. A switching mechanism and a continuation method are proposed to generate smooth signals for the kinematic equation, which subsequently drives all system variables to the desired values. In this paper, we restrict our attention to kinematic level of nonholonomic systems. Simulation results demonstrate such a trajectory tracking strategy for the kinematics indeed gives rise to an effective methodology to follow the desired trajectory asymptotically.
