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篇名 術語資料庫建置之品質管理探究
卷期 85
並列篇名 Analysis of Quality Management of Terminology Database
作者 彭致翎陳建民彭佳宣
頁次 039-050
關鍵字 術語資料庫術語管理學術名詞Terminology databaseTerminology managementAcademic term
出刊日期 201411




In the era of the knowledge explosion, access to information by means of technology along with new terminologies has gradually become a way of learning. Terminology represents a collection of concepts, the basic and essential elements of the knowledge system in a particular subject. Specifications and management of applications for terminology databases are therefore increasingly important because translation errors or different versions of translation cause misunderstanding. This paper uses National Academy for Educational Research academic terminology database as a case study, based on the aforementioned references to do document analysis and literature review. The collection on the terminology, the process of the output, and the presentation of database are examined. Moreover, with technological developments and trends in digital learning, the approaches and strategies for terminology database management are proposed for the future references to enhance the quality and use of the database.
