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篇名 An Exploratory Comparison Study of Inventor-authors with Their Non-patenting Peers in Research Productivity and Influence
卷期 12:2
並列篇名 發明作者與未參與專利活動學術同儕研究生產力與學術影響之比較研究
作者 羅思嘉
頁次 001-018
關鍵字 研究生產力產業技術研發生產力分析專利活動指標學術活動指標Research ProductivityIndustrial Technology DevelopmentProductivity AnalysisPatenting Activity IndexAcademic Activity IndexTSSCI
出刊日期 201412
DOI 10.6182/jlis.2014.12(2).001


受到跨學科以及產業價值的影響,學術研究與產業技術發展之間的關連性越來越強。個人與團隊研究獲得之研發成果除被視為是學術研究產出,亦可被運用於產業技術研發與產品製作。學術研究成果與產業技術發展相互支援,以建構多元的研究發揮空間為目標。但積極投入產業技術發展,是否排擠學術研究所需要的研究能量與資源,進而對學術研究造成影響,阻礙學術研究量與質的發展?亦或是透過分享、整合資源與成果,良性推動學術研究與產業技術研發?本文以國內投入專利活動之學校教師為研究目標,藉由分析具有高專利活動力之教師與其所屬研究領域社群的研發生產力,了解發明作者與未參與專利活動學術同儕研究生產力與學術影響的分布狀況,以進一步探討產業技術發展是否對學術研究產生影響。本研究以專利產出作為代表產業技術研發成果的專利活動指標(Patenting Activity Index),指導學位論文數、研究計畫數以及期刊文章發表篇數為代表學術研究發展的學術活動指標(Academic Activity Index)。透過指標計算,比較發明作者與未參與專利活動學術同儕產出分布,了解產業發展與學術研究之間的關係。


The aim of this study is to explore the possible link between industrial technology development and scientific research, with specific focus on the development of industrial technology influences the inventor-authors’ performance on scientific research. In this study, patenting activity was seen as representation of output of industrial technology; advised theses, funded research projects and journal articles were used as indicators of scientific research outcome. The author tried to examine the patents granted to and research output generated by members affiliated with Taiwanese Universities to reveal the productivity distribution and research performances of inventor-authors and non-patenting peers by taking bibliometrics approach. Patenting Activity Index and Academic Activity Index were used for presenting research output. Results showed that Inventor-authors performed above average both in technology development and research activities. However, it is worth a closer look at the impact of collaboration and research strategies for future researches.
