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篇名 創新品質方法於牙科醫療設備組裝效率改善之研究
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 The Study of Dental Equipment Assembly Efficiency Improvement Using Innovation Quality Techniques
作者 王建智蔡麗玲
頁次 043-060
關鍵字 六標準差品質系統萃思醫療器材Six Sigmaquality systemTRIZmedical equipment
出刊日期 201405
DOI 10.3966/222369612014050401003


目前,臺灣在牙科醫療器材生產屬於少量多樣客製化的中小企業代工模式。現階段的瓶頸為組裝大多由人工進行,其結果會因人員的經驗與技術而造成很大的變異。本研究提出整合的創新品質改善方法,由顧客心聲(VOC)、流程分析、特性要因矩陣圖(C&E matrix)中得到組裝問題所在,再由萃思手法(TRIZ)提出最佳改善方案。研究結果顯示,改變剎車皮長度及鐵片軟硬度,可在不用改變整體結構及組裝方法下,有效地減少人員調整時間。


In Taiwan, the medical and dental equipment belongs to the small amount of diversity and customization of small and medium-sized enterprises OEM production. At this stage, the bottleneck in the assembly is that most of work by hand, therefore, the experience and technology of the staff makes a big difference. The quality technologies are proposed approach from the voice of customer, process analysis, and cause and effect matrix to discover the assembly problem. Next, the TRIZ technology was used to improve quality and reducing assembly variation to bring this company more competitiveness. Form the analysis result find out changed by changing the brake pads length and scrap iron hardness to lessen personnel to adjust the time and it will not have to change the structure and assembly methods.
