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篇名 The Design and Practice of a Purchasing, Sales and Inventory Management System: A Case Study of iPads
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 進銷存管理系統之設計與實作:以iPads為主
作者 張瑞觀陳志安董維
頁次 061-078
關鍵字 iPad行動裝置進銷存iPadmobile devicespurchasesales and inventory
出刊日期 201405
DOI 10.3966/222369612014050401004




In recent years, the tablet computer market has developed rapidly and surpassed that of both notebook and desktop computers due to continued innovation in hardware and software functions. Tablet computers are light and easy to carry and have increasingly diverse uses. People no longer use tablet computers just for entertainment and browsing the web, but have also started to use them for work and academics.
Although there are currently many Apps in the App Store, not many comprehensive systems are applied to corporations. The functions most commonly utilized by corporations are for presenting data and searches; after all, operations on desktop computers and tablet devices are very different.
This study focuses on the iPad, using Apple’s development tool Xcode to create a purchasing, sales, and inventory management system. The functions of the system include management of products, clients, suppliers, orders and returns, sales and returns, payables and receivables, as well as creating various types of statistical charts. Small companies or stores can use this system to manage day to day purchases and sales, as well as receivables and payables: ensuring that users have better experiences using tablets and that the iPad in particular can be more practically applied.
