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篇名 合成具仿過氧化酶活性之銅—四氧化三鐵奈米材料與應用於葡萄糖的偵測
卷期 4:1
並列篇名 Synthesis of the Peroxidase-like Copper-iron Oxide Nanocomposites and Its Applications for Detecting Glucose
作者 王稼証胡焯淳邱泰嘉
頁次 133-144
關鍵字 過氧化氫酶銅-四氧化三鐵奈米複合材料葡萄糖PeroxidaseCopper-iron oxide nanocompositesGlucose
出刊日期 201405
DOI 10.3966/222369612014050401008


本研究使用四氧化三鐵(Fe3O4)與銅離子(Cu2+)合成奈米複合材料,研究發現,Cu-Fe3O4具有仿酵素-過氧化酶(peroxidase)活性。此奈米複合材料仍保有磁性,因此可輕易地利用磁鐵進行純化與蒐集。此銅-四氧化三鐵已被證明具有新穎的仿過氧化酶活性,可以在過氧化氫的存在下,快速地催化過氧化酶的基質(Amplex Red),產生螢光訊號而偵測其活性。在最佳化條件下,過氧化氫與葡萄糖的偵測線性範圍為5μM~10mM,可偵測的過氧化氫與葡萄糖的最低濃度皆為5μM。此方法將來可進一步應用於偵測尿液與血清中的葡萄糖濃度。


In this study, copper-iron oxide magnetic nanocomposites were demonstrated to possess peroixdase-like activities and enhanced affinity toward H2O2. The nanocomposties retain their magnetic properties and can be effectively separated by a magnet. Significantly, they were proved to be novel peroixdase mimetics which could quickly catalyze oxidation of the peroxidase substrate Amplex Red in the presence of H2O2, producing fluorescent signals. Under optimum conditions, the proposed method allowed the detection of H2O2 in the range of 5 μM to 10 mM (R2 = .9929), and glucose in the range of 5 μM to 10 mM (R2 = .9924) with detectable H2O2 as low as 5 μM and glucose as low as 5 μM, respectively. This proposed method could be further applied to detect glucose in human urine and serum samples.
