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篇名 兒時遭遇性侵害者的重要他人福利服務需求探究:資訊平台之發展
卷期 10:2
並列篇名 An Internet Information System for Significant Others Among Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse: Needs Assessment
作者 簡美華
頁次 035-058
關鍵字 兒時性侵害資訊平台重要他人Childhood sexual abuseInternet information systemsignificant others
出刊日期 201412




Little is known about the impact of long-term sequelae of childhood sexual abuse (CSA) on the significant others among survivors in Taiwan. Because of the sensitive nature of CSA in Taiwan, significant others may be reluctant to seek information about CSA from more traditional information sources. The development of an Internet information system would allow anonymous or private access to the needed information. In order to assess the need for such an information system, the Delphi method was used to collect data from 15 professionals working in the area of CSA. This approach included three rounds of questionnaires. The results show a high convergence of opinions among the 15 professionals (2 male and 13 female) regarding areas that they felt should be included in Internet resources for significant others. The needed resources, limitations, and implications of the study are discussed.
